Friends of the Library


Love your library, become a friend textThe Friends of Wakefield Libraries' (FOWL) mission is to organize and run fundraisers resulting in funding for the Gafney Library and Wakefield Public Library - items not included in library annual budgets.

Among other things, FOWL has purchased carpeting, summer reading program materials, newspapers and magazines, museum passes, and funded a Needs Assessment Study for the newly constructed Gafney Library addition..

Fundraising has included annual book sales, the "Art at the Gafney" annual raffle and an ice cream social and pie judging event.  Brainstorming is half the fun!  Meetings are the vehicle for discussion related to library needs and for socializing,

FOWL meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at 1:00 in the new Gafney community room. If you would like to join (and maybe ask a friend to join with you?) contact the Friends at and ask to be put on the email information list, or call the library at 603.522.3401. New members are always welcome!   


All Friends of Wakefield Libraries information is now available on the Friends of Wakefield Libraries Facebook page; check it out here!