The Gafney Library offers book delivery and curbside pickup.

Book Delivery and Curbside Pickup

The Gafney Library offers book delivery and curbside pickup to patrons who cannot physically get to the library or come into the building. Each method requires a little planning – here are the details!

Book Delivery

Book delivery is available upon request. (This includes all titles, DVDs, books on CD, etc!) To learn more or request delivery, please give us a call during open hours, (603) 522-3401.

Curbside Pickup

Curbside pickup is available on Saturday mornings from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Items must be previously reserved either through your online account or by calling (603) 522-3401 during open hours. Use the same number to call from your vehicle and we will deliver items to you.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us for help!