The Friends of Wakefield Libraries (FOWL) serve an essential role in the success of the Gafney Library. Among other things, FOWL has purchased carpeting, summer reading program materials, newspapers and magazines, museum passes, and provided matching funds towards the purchase of our new bookdrop. We are so grateful for all they do!
About FOWL
The FOWL mission is to organize and run fundraisers resulting in funding for the Gafney Library and the Wakefield Public Library – items not included in library annual budgets.
Fundraising has included annual book sales, the “Art at the Gafney” annual raffle, and an ice cream social and pie judging event.
Come to a meeting!
Brainstorming is half the fun! Join us as we discuss library needs (and enjoy socializing!)
MEETING DAY: Second Wednesday of the Month
TIME: 1:00 pm
LOCATION: Gafney Library Community Room
(Enter through the Town Hall Connector then take the stairs or elevator to the lower level.)
Join the Friends.
If you would like to join, contact the Friends at [email protected] and ask to be put on the email information list, or call the library at (603) 522-3401.